California Receives Federal Grant to Enhance Adult Protective Services
California is among 13 states receiving a grant for its Adult Protective Services (APS) system to address the abuse, neglect, and exploitations of older adults and people with disabilities.
The Administration on Aging, under the Administration for Community Living, awarded the 13 states grants totaling $2.2 million. California will develop methods for collecting key components data elements. They will evaluate options and make recommendations for generating National Adult Maltreatment Reporting System (NAMRS) case components.
The federal administration awarded the federal grants for state APS systems in September 2015. The Administration for Community Living is also currently developing voluntary APS guidelines based on best-practices in the field, and accepting comments on NAMRS—which will be the first reporting system to collect national data on adult maltreatment and APS.
APS investigate reports of abuse and exploitation of older adults and people with disabilities. They provide support and case-management, and connect people facing abuse to a variety of protective, emergency, and support services.
Other states receiving grants include: Arizona, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, Ohio, and Tennessee.