Support Increased CalWORKs Single Allocation Funding
The California State Association of Counties (CSAC) and the County Welfare Directors Association (CWDA) support the Assembly’s proposal to restore $23.5 million that was proposed to be cut from the Single Allocation in the 2018-19 May Revision. The Senate also took an action to restore $10 million to the Single Allocation for employment services, and we thank both houses of the Legislature for their support of this vital funding. The Assembly version of the budget to restore $23.5 million to the Single Allocation on a one-time basis will greatly help to mitigate the devastating services and administrative cuts to the CalWORKs program that counties would have to impose. It will also bridge the time until a new budgeting methodology for employment services can be developed to support a minimum services infrastructure and ongoing administrative workload, as well as the programmatic goals and outcomes that are desired.
CalWORKs Single Allocation Budget Memo – May 25, 2018