Acutely Vulnerable Adults: Identification & Intervention
Adult Protective Services in San Diego County established a workgroup in January 2012 to determine who are most at risk (“the acutely vulnerable”), and how to most effectively work to reduce risk for future abuse or neglect. The workshop featured a tool for identifying clients who are considered to be the most vulnerable due to their severe cognitive or communication deficits. The protocol employs a broad range of interventions targeted to not only address and resolve the protective issue(s), but also to enhance the overall safety and well-being of the client. This session’s presenters described how these tools and protocols have been effectively implemented in cases of victims of neglect and abuse.
- LaShaunda Gaines, Supervisor, Adult Protective Services, San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency
- Auxie Connell Zuniga, Field Investigator, Adult Protective Services, San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency
- Carlos Morales, Supervisor, Adult Protective Services, San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency