Family First Prevention Services Act of 2016 (H.R. 5456)


Congress is currently considering the Family First Prevention Services Act (H.R. 5456). California’s counties have serious concerns about the bill and oppose it as currently drafted. CWDA is asking the House and Senate to avoid rushing the vote on this bill so we can work to amend it in a way that aligns with the bipartisan efforts already underway in California to reform and reduce the use of congregate care.  

The below letters from the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) and CWDA delineate those issues.

California and its counties are working tirelessly to implement the state’s bipartisan Continuum of Care Reforms (CCR) enacted last year. The federal provisions were crafted using California’s landmark initiatives as a model. Unfortunately, the bill as written will, at best, disrupt the state’s massive and collaborative effort with counties and California children’s organizations to launch very similar reforms the federal government intends to implement nationally.

CWDA Letters

Joint Letters

Letters from Other California Officials & Organizations

Letters from Other States & State Organizations


Policy Memo