California’s Juvenile Justice Continuum Post SB 823 Realignment
The passage of SB 823 in 2020 and SB 92 in 2121 marked the final shift of realigning the entire juvenile justice system that began in 2008 from the state to counties. County Probation Departments are now responsible for serving and supervising all youth who come before the California juvenile court and/or are referred to probation by their local law enforcement agency. In partnership with the courts, other county departments and non-governmental organizations, probation departments have developed a service continuum designed to prevent, deflect, intervene and rehabilitate youth and emerging adults onto a healthier, positive pathway in partnership with their families whenever possible. Come learn what is happening across the state as well about the vision of the newly created Office of Youth and Community Restoration during this session!
Esa Ehmen Krause – Chief Probation Officer Contra Costa County Probation Department
Judge Katherine Lucero – Director Office of Youth and Community Restoration, California Health and Human Services Agency
Rosemary McCool – Deputy Director Chief Probation Officers of California
Robert Reyes – Chief Probation Officer San Luis Obispo County Probation Department