Filling a Gap in the Safety Net: How California Counties Are Addressing Diaper Need


Why diapers? Every baby needs diapers, yet not all families can afford them. Costing roughly $100/month per child, diapers are not covered by WIC or SNAP. Panelists will discuss why they invested in diaper supports and how diaper programs can complement and support county administered programs, including CalWORKs, CalFresh, Medi-Cal, and CPS interventions. Attendees will learn about various program models that can be implemented locally. The presentation will include findings from a comprehensive evaluation of diaper supports in Alameda and San Francisco Counties. Attendees will learn how this form of economic support reduces stress, improves parent/child outcomes, and promotes kindergarten readiness.

  • Justine Wolitzer – Public Profit Senior Consultant

  • Lisa Truong – Help a Mother Out Founder, Executive Director

  • Cynthia Martinez – San Francisco Human Services Agency Director, CalFresh Program

  • Kristin Spanos – First 5 Alameda County Chief Executive Officer

  • Jessica Bartholow – State Senator Nancy Skinner’s office Chief of Staff