Humboldt County Wants YOU to Foster Parent
Powerful New Video Shows Need for Loving Homes and Why Foster Parents Make Commitment to Children


The Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services is looking for loving families looking to make a difference in the lives of children and has recently released a video showing the need for caring homes, as well as why many foster parents have made the commitment to welcome children into their lives.

Humboldt County has nearly double the state rate of children in foster care and the high rates have been stretching the system. While there’s no single factor that explains why local rates are so high, officials say it’s not a surprise given Humboldt’s preponderance of substance abuse and poverty. 

The department is looking for foster homes for kids of all ages, but the department is especially in need of people willing to take in teenagers.

“Older kids coming into care can be just as scared and shut down as the little ones,” said Michele Stephens, deputy director of Humboldt County Child Welfare Services. “They’ve experienced some form of trauma and as a result sometimes act out as a way of coping. We need caregivers who understand this and are willing to provide safe and supportive homes for teens.”

Helping young people transition into adulthood is another role foster parents can play, Stephens added. “Youth in foster care don’t often have the opportunities to learn basic life skills other kids are taught at home — how to balance a checkbook, find an apartment, apply to college, find a job,” he said.

View the department’s video.