
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

CWDA led a statewide effort in partnership with a broad coalition of child-serving agencies to protect and serve child victims of commercial sexual exploitation through California’s child welfare services programs. This effort resulted in the creation of the Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) Program, and provides $5 million in state fiscal year 2014-15, and $14 million beginning 2015-16 to serve youth who are victims or at risk of commercial sexual exploitation. Legislation also clarified that children who are commercially sexually trafficked come under the jurisdiction of the child protective services agency.


Los Angeles County Law Enforcement First Responder Protocol for CSEC

Developed by Los Angeles County to help first responders identify victims of sexual exploitation, work collaboratively with County agencies and community-based organizations to avoid arrest, keep them safe and provide them with the services they need to escape exploitation.

LA County Law Enforcement First Responder Protocol for CSEC

Online Resource

Trafficking: Guide for Child Welfare Agencies

A report published July 2017 by the Child Welfare Information Gateway (USDHHS) describes federal laws and initiatives to respond to the issue, and provides concrete strategies for CWS agencies to prevent and support victims.  To view a copy of the report, go here.


CSEC Optional Grant Program (SB 855)

CWDA prepared the following funding guidelines for counties participating in the SB 855/CSEC Optional Grant Program. These guidelines identify the various activities, supports and services that can be funded through the program to serve victims of commercial sexual exploitation (CSEC). CDSS released ACL 17-71 which included the guidelines as an attachment. This document will be updated on this website as necessary.

Press release

Governor Makes it Clear: Child Sex Trafficking Victims are Not Criminals
Senate Bill 1322 is Critical Step in Children’s Recovery and Healing

SACRAMENTO – Child welfare agencies, children’s attorneys and community providers are praising Governor Jerry Brown today for signing Senate Bill 1322, which sends a strong message to children who are victims of sex trafficking: You are not a criminal.


AB 1702 to Protect Sexually Exploited Minors Becomes Law
2016 Legislation Allows Additional Safeguards for Sexually Exploited Children and Youth

California children who are sexually exploited received additional protections when Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill on August 17, 2016 allowing courts to deny reunification to parents or guardians who knowingly participated in, or permitted, the sexual exploitation of a child who is brought into the child welfare system. 


Model Framework for Protocols

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) released an All County Information Notice (ACIN) releasing the Child Welfare Council – CSEC Action Team Model Interagency Protocol Framework (Model Framework).



State Legislation - SB 855 (Chapter 29, Statutes of 2014) did the following: (1) clarified that children who are commercially sexually trafficked come under the jurisdiction of the child welfare agency; (2) permits counties to provide supplemental payments to foster care providers for the board and care of CSEC youth and (3) establishes the Commercially Sexually Exploited Children Program.

Online Resource

CalSWEC CSEC Toolkit

For information regarding CSEC Training Resources and General Resources, the CalSWEC (California Social Work Education Center) has developed an online toolkit.


Youth Prevention Training Webinar & Materials

CWDA held a webinar on April 16, 2015 regarding Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) – Youth Curriculum and Training. The webinar discussed new prevention-oriented curriculum and training to prevent sex trafficking of foster youth, developed by Los Angeles County.


Screening Tools Webinar

CWDA – in partnership with WestCoast Children’s Clininc, San Mateo County Human Services Agency Children and Family Services, City and County of San Francisco Family and Children’s Services, and San Luis Obispo County Department of Social Services – hosted a webinar on March 5, 2015 on CSEC screening tools.